Friday, July 21, 2006

War sold to America with propaganda campaign

Recognition that the war in Iraq is terribly counter-productive is long overdue. It's been badly mismanaged and was sold to the American people by a deliberate propaganda campaign filled with fabrications It is unwinnable, both because of the mismanagement and because our cause lacks moral authority, while Iraqis are fighting to oust hated foreign occupiers. They may be using despicable methods, but fighting for one's country when it has been invaded has legitimacy to it that our pre-emptive invasion lacks.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently issued a scathing report on the illegality of the numerous instances of this administration paying journalists for favorable reports, passing off video news releases paid for by the government (using our taxes) as if they were legitimate news coverage, and other illegal acts of propagandizing American citizens. There's a law about that!

America needs to end our military presence in Iraq just as soon as humanly possible. Our troops were sent into harm's way based on a lie. Many, tragically, have lost their lives or been maimed while they valiantly served their country. Honor our troops and bring them home now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please read these about prisoner abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan.
